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Ofsted Report

Inspection Date: 2nd April 2019

1) The quality and standards of the early years provision this inspection: Good 2


2) Effectiveness of leadership and management: Good 2

3) Quality of teaching, learning and assessment: Good 2

4) Personal development, behaviour and welfare: Good 2


5) Outcomes for children: Good 2

Summary of Key Findings For Parents

1) This provision is good. 


2) There have been significant improvements since the last inspection.


3) The manager and staff have worked hard to ensure that all areas of the setting are safe and well maintained.


4) The manager and staff understand their responsibilities to ensure that children are effectively safeguarded and protected from harm.


5) The new planning and observation processes take account of children's interests and learning needs.


6) Staff use their good teaching skills to plan activities that stimulate these interests and provide appropriate challenge. This promotes learning to a very good level.


7) Children build secure relationships with staff who are friendly and nurturing.


8) Staff are attentive and help children to settle into the day well.


9) Children have access to a range of play resources indoors and outdoors which supports them to develop their skills and enjoy play with each other. 


10) Staff promote communication skills very effectively. They listen well to children who are excited to talk about what they would like to do.


11) Children are keen and enjoy taking part during stories. They are quick to point out what they know and are happy to share this with others.


12) Children's health and well-being is promoted successfully. They are provided with healthy meals and snacks and learn about portion control when they serve themselves at mealtimes.


13) Staff promote independence skills well.


14) Children learn to dress and undress themselves successfully in the role-play areas.

15) Some documentation does not contain enough detail in all areas.


16) New systems for planning are in place. However, they are not yet fully embedded in practice in order to show the impact these changes have on children's learning.

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