Planning Our Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
Our Nursery considers the all round development of your child. We provide opportunities which enable your child to; exercise and express ideas,
reflect on experience and information,
share thoughts,
make decisions,
make discoveries and explore and engage in first hand experiences.
Our curriculum is designed to be accessible for all children, regardless of any special educational need or disability. We understand that children will come to nursery having had different life experiences, based on their background and socio-economic status. Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to be educated citizens. Some children arrive at nursery with poorer experiences than others, what we offer through our curriculum and the experiences provided can make the difference in bridging this gap.
Our allocation of time, space and equipment will provide opportunities for your child to develop to their potential, physically, linguistically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and morally. Through child led activities we support and enhance your child's learning ensuring they make at least good progress over time.
We plan themes on a termly basis. These themes are not set in stone and may be changed and adapted as the term progresses and the children’s interests change. The theme “All about me” is used in September, this gives staff the opportunity to get to know the new children and their interests and to help settle them into the Nursery.
Plans for the medium term (monthly or half term) and short term (bi-weekly) are displayed in nursery
Weekly adult led activities are completed to enhance the children’s learning, these can be found on the display board in each room, these activities are to help the children work towards identified next steps. Next steps are identified through observations and staff/parent discussions.
Our curriculum is designed around the needs of our young children and is organised into seven areas of Learning and Development.
These are:
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts & Design
Here are the main components of each of the seven areas.
Personal, Social and Emotional experiences are about:
Making Relationships
Sense of self
Understanding emotions
Communication and Language experiences are about:
Listening and Attention
Physical Development experiences are about:
Moving and Handling
Health and Self Care
Literacy experiences are about:
Mathematics experiences are about:
Understanding the World experiences are about:
People and communities
The World
Expressive Arts & Design experiences are about:
Creating with Materials
Being Imaginative and Expressive
We plan through a topic based approach. To keep you well informed about the children’s activities our plans are displayed: -
On the Board in our (long, medium- and short-term planning)
Home Learning Plans are also shared via Seesaw
Next steps which are shared on seesaw and displayed in the rooms.
Throughout the year we take children on nature walks and visits to the local shops, parks etc. to enhance their learning and to give them new experiences.
We also invite parents to come in and read stories, take part in activities and talk about their jobs.
If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, please either speak to the Manager or Deputy who will be happy to help.